Dr. Fotis Philippos Karantonis Plastic Surgeon Phd, MSc
Dr. Fotios Filippos Karantonis
Dr. Karantonis Fotis is a Plastic Surgeon and maintains a clinic in Athens. He was born in Toronto, Canada, a graduate of the College of Athens, holder of an MSc in Minimally Invasive Surgery from EKPA and a Doctorate from the Medical School of Athens. He is a specialist in Plastic Surgery - Aesthetic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery.
Based in Athens he advises and helps his patients as a Reconstructive Surgeon to be healthy and as a Cosmetic Surgeon to feel beautiful and beautiful with their image. His purpose is, with his thorough training, to adapt Plastic Surgery techniques to each patient individually and to create excellent results. Characteristically, in consultation appointments he always listens to his patients intently in order to understand the rest. With respect to your modern techniques in Cosmetic Surgery and methods as a Reconstructive Surgeon to achieve your dream of an elegant and flawless appearance. All cutting-edge treatments in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. Alexandrite Laser and Diode laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is applied by a specialist at the doctor's office on Phidippidou street in Athens. Application of modern techniques in rhinoplasty (nose job), tummy tuck, liposuction (VASER), blepharoplasty, injectable anti-wrinkle treatments but also in women only such as breast augmentation, breast lift and vulvoplasty.
Laser hair removal
Laser hair removal is a medical application of a concentrated light beam (laser) to remove unwanted hair. During the session, a laser emits light that is absorbed by the dye (melanin) in the hair. Energy is converted into heat, which destroys the hair follicles that produce hair. This damage inhibits or delays the future growth of hair.
Although laser hair removal effectively delays hair growth for long periods of time (years), it usually does not lead to permanent hair removal. Multiple laser hair removal treatments are required for initial hair removal and maintenance treatments may also be required. Laser hair removal is more effective for people with light skin and dark hair, but can be used successfully on all skin types.
The removal of a mole (nevus or nevi for plural) is done for a variety of reasons. Some may be removed purely for aesthetic reasons while other cases are the removal of a nevus that is often injured. Such nevi are found on the back, neck, in an area where it comes in contact with a bra or even on the soles.
In addition, the so-called “dysplastic nevus” is removed at the doctor’s suggestion as it has an increased risk of developing melanoma of the skin. The removal of a mole for the best aesthetic result should be removed by a Plastic Surgeon.
Botulinum toxin ( Botox ) is for wrinkles, an effective treatment of plastic surgery. The application of botox toxin either prevents the formation of wrinkles or treats their existence, mainly on the forehead, middle eyebrow and wrinkles around the eyes (goose foot) and neck. It can also be applied to the cheeks for aesthetic reasons. Specifically applied to the muscle massager to change the angles of the face.
Botox or Dysport is a simple, effective treatment and prevention process. It is a basic “weapon” of the plastic surgeon in the treatment of wrinkles on the forehead, middle eyebrow and “goose foot” (outer thorn, outer side of the eye). Wrinkles are created at different rates of speed and extent depending on the skin. The degree of sun exposure, heredity, smoking, the use of moisturizers and sunscreens play a key role. Depending on the case, the plastic surgeon in consultation with the person concerned, will decide if the procedure is necessary and in which places.
Botulinum toxin ( Botox ) is for wrinkles, an effective treatment of plastic surgery. The application of botox toxin either prevents the formation of wrinkles or treats their existence, mainly on the forehead, middle eyebrow and wrinkles around the eyes (goose foot) and neck. It can also be applied to the cheeks for aesthetic reasons. Specifically applied to the muscle massager to change the angles of the face.
Botox or Dysport is a simple, effective treatment and prevention process. It is a basic “weapon” of the plastic surgeon in the treatment of wrinkles on the forehead, middle eyebrow and “goose foot” (outer thorn, outer side of the eye). Wrinkles are created at different rates of speed and extent depending on the skin. The degree of sun exposure, heredity, smoking, the use of moisturizers and sunscreens play a key role. Depending on the case, the plastic surgeon in consultation with the person concerned, will decide if the procedure is necessary and in which places.
Hyaluronic acid (filler)
The discreet use of this preparation can give amazing results as we can emphasize the contour of the lips and give a little volume. Under no circumstances will we puff our lips as unfortunately many women wish.
Lollipop lips is a temporary fashion which in a few years will have consequences for its proponents. Any soft tissue that stretches over the years loses its elasticity and then the doctor and patient are forced to use more and more material to “fill” the lips.
Even with hyaluronic acid we can emphasize the cheekbones a bit but also to erase or soften wrinkles such as the nasopharyngeal grooves. In any case, the use of hyaluronic acid is done sparingly.
Τα νηματα προσωπου είναι η μοναδική θεραπεία που μπορεί να προσφέρει άμεσο lifting facelift με ελάχιστα επεμβατικό τρόπο. Τα νηματα προσωπου τοποθετούνται σε στρατηγικά σημεία κάτω από δέρμα, ανορθώνουν τους ιστούς και έτσι μπορεί να αποκτήσουμε μια περισσότερο νεανική όψη. Είναι μια ελάχιστα επεμβατική μέθοδος κατά της χαλάρωσης του προσώπου, του λαιμού και του ντεκολτέ, που ολοκληρώνεται σε λιγότερο από μια ώρα. Συνήθως προσφέρει αποτέλεσμα που διαρκεί έως και δύο χρόνια.Η διάρκεια του αποτελέσματος είναι πολλές φορές περισσότερο και από τα δυο χρόνια. Η θεραπεία είναι σε γενικές γραμμές ανώδυνη και το αποτέλεσμα γίνεται αντιληπτό άμεσα. Στα 2 σημεία εισόδου γίνεται ελάχιστη τοπική αναισθησία, ενώ η αποθεραπεία είναι μηδαμινής σημασίας. Ελάχιστα άτομα μπορεί να εμφανίσουν μώλωπες οι οποίοι καλύπτονται με make up και εξαφανίζονται με την πάροδο μερικών ημερών.
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