
Liposuction is a surgical procedure. Perform under local anesthesia if restricted or general anesthesia is more common.


Liposuction is applied to the double jaw, arms (back surface), abdomen-waist circumference, buttocks-hips, inner thigh surface. In addition, it can be applied to the knees but also to the ankles. One day of hospitalization is required in very large liposuctions. The patient must wear a corset or elastic stockings for a period of one month depending on the area being operated on. This will allow the skin to adhere more successfully to the underlying tissues. Young patients up to 45 years of age have a great benefit from liposuction. They retain greater skin elasticity. Thus, the skin returns to the desired position and firmness.

How is liposuction performed

Liposuction is performed by injecting into the treated area a mixture of liquids containing local anesthesia, normal saline and adrenaline. Then a cannula 2-4 mm in diameter is inserted to dissolve and suck the fat.

There are many liposuction techniques. The most common, the manual and power assited liposuction is paradoxically not as invasive method as one thinks as only mechanical destruction of fat is performed. Moreover, another even less invasive technique is the Vaser Lipo which is a high frequency ultrasound emitting device. It is the only technique that focuses on fat cells and not on other tissues thus making it a highly selective method for liposuction.




As afforementioned other minimally invasive techniques are the laser and ultrasound like VASER. In particular, the use of laser in liposuction is excessive as it causes internal burn to melt the fat resulting in inflammation. Regardless of the method, let me emphasize that the success of the operation relies on the insistence of the surgeon in order to give the appropriate shape without at the same time creating irregularities. 

VASER lipo is a particular method as the energy deliverd is as gentle as possible and makes the surgeons workload easier. The huge hype that is created with VASER liposuction is not fully justified in my oppinion. The superior skills of the surgeon can easily provide a good or even better end result with or without VASER technology. I must say though that the use of Vaser lipo is far superior in the hands of a well trained liposuction surgeon.

As much as these years demand the use of impressive technologies, the operation will be successful thanks to the correct execution of the operation by the surgeon. After the operation, slight ecchymoses may appear which usually subside in 1-2 weeks.


Risk and ComplicationsAs with any major surgery, liposuction does carry some risk, such as bleeding and a reaction to anesthesia if patients are not screened thouroughly.

Specific Risk to Liposuction

Patient dissatisfaction: The most common complication that i see is. Many patient come to me and state that they are not pleased with their previous surgeon because of contour irregularities. Your skin may appear bumpy, wavy or withered due to uneven fat removal, poor skin elasticity and unusual healing. These changes may be permanent. Damage beneath the skin from the cannula might give the skin a permanent peau d’ orange appearance.
Fluid accumulation: Temporary pockets of fluid (seromas) can form under the skin. This fluid may need to be drained with a needle.
Numbness: You may feel temporary or permanent numbness in the affected area. Temporary nerve irritation also is possible.
Infection: Skin infections are rare but possible. .
Visceral penetration: Its a complication that we saw maybe more than 20 years ago as surgeons were not as experienced. Rarely , a cannula penetrates too deeply may puncture an internal organ. This may require emergency surgical repair. This particular complication is virtually impossible with Vaser lipo.
Fat embolism: Destruction of vasculature may leave open holes through wich pieces of loosened fat may break away and become trapped in a blood vessel and gather in the lungs or travel to the brain. A fat embolism is a medical emergency. This particular complication is virtually impossible with Vaser lipo.
Kidney and heart problems: Shifts in fluid levels as fluids are being injected and suctioned out can cause potentially life-threatening kidney, heart and lung problems only when patients are not screened correctly.
Lidocaine toxicity: Lidocaine is an anesthetic often administered with fluids injected during liposuction to help manage pain. Although generally safe, in rare circumstances, lidocaine toxicity can occur, causing serious heart and central nervous system problems.

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Recovery time
1-2 weeks